Plans For The Weekend

Something I've decided to do during Lent, I suppose, but really just moving forward, is to place stricter limits on my computer time and focus more on crafting on the weekends. I am simply on my computer far too much, and even good things lure me down rabbit holes and before I know it, I've spent half a day reading articles, bookmarking recipes, all while I'm trying to make a concentrated effort to work through the things I already have bookmarked! I made some good progress on that this week, but adding to it isn't helping anything! I also found out, much to my delight, that my husband will be coming home a little earlier than we originally planned, probably around the first of May. So that is another reason to get some of these projects done!

Currently, I need to make new pillow covers for four pillows, and two of them I want to cross stitch a design on. That alone is a tall order, but I'm going to try my hand at no-sew covers for two of them. I have some leftover fabric from when we re-covered our couch and I've been wanting to cover a few pillows with them ever since. And I'd also like to make two or three table runners, one for our coffee table, another for the top of an antique school desk I have, and one for our kitchen table. And then there are several other smalller projects that I may or may not get to. I've got about six weeks, so if figure if I can finish one project a week, I'll at least get the bigger ones finished, and that's only working on them on the weekends, that doesn't include if I work on them on weeknights throughout the week, which is another time that I'm going to work a little harder at staying off of my computer. I'll share photos of my progress with you next week!

I started Growing a Rule of Life: A Lenten Journey this week and finished up Day 5 and 6 today, with Day  7 and the Compilation for tomorrow. I'll be writing about what I've learned/discovered on Monday of next week, by which time we will already be into Week 2, but that just seems like the best way to do it. If you're participating with me in this and following along, be looking for that post on Monday.

As for the weekend, I've taken a liking recently to old Barbra Streisand movies, several which are available on Netflix and Prime. I watched The Mirror Has Two Faces on Netflix last night and really enjoyed it. Jeff Bridges co-starred, which reminded me of a few movies he's done that I'm going to add to my list as well.

I made the best carnitas I've ever made in my life this week, and still have leftovers from them. I also made up my own flour tortillas, which are SO much better than store bought. I seriously think I might start making up a batch every Monday so I'll have them throughout the week, which should tell you a thing or two about how much mexican food we eat around here!

Tomorrow I'm going to attemp to re-create Pappasito's Steak Fajitas. I got a good deal on a flank steak today, and I have all the ingredients for the marinade. I keep the garlic butter made up and in the freezer year round and eat it on just about everything mexican! I make a big batch and then pour it into tiny muffin cups and freeze it, then pop them out and put them in a freezer bag in the freezer. One muffin cup is just enough for 2-3 people to drizzle it over their taco meat, chicken, steak, it's so good, and I'll share the recipe with you next week after I make the fajitas. After the success I had recently making brisket, if I can nail this there won't be too much about the Texas food I miss that I haven't managed to recreate! Well, now that I think about it,  I still haven't started on Razoo's. :)

And with that my friends, I'm off to begin working on my first project! I hope you're weekend is slow and restful! It's a lovely day out today with a predicted high of 64, but then rain moves in tonight, the temperature drops into the 20's and the high tomorrow is only 35. I DO love winter and it will always be my favorite season, but those 60+ days sure make the colder ones a little harder to take!
