40 Things in 40 Days: A Lenten Challenge

Today I thought I would share an idea with you that I often like to do during Lent: the 40 Things in 40 Days Lenten Challenge. I first saw this challenge years ago back when we were homeschooling, and we've participated in it many times. Someone would typically host the challenge and everyone would sign up. But the past few times I've just done it myself. There have even been a few challenges that were even 40 bags of stuff in 40 days, but since we downsized before we moved into the van, I'm not sure I have that much to get rid of. But I know I can come up with at least 40 things, especially if I go through all of my yarn, thread, and craft supplies. I also seem fond of blankets, hand towels, and tablecloths. I'm a sucker for the seasonal hand towels that Target puts out in Bulleye's Playground. I buy them to stage pictures for my blog posts, but in the end, I always end up using the same ones. So, my plan is to go through them and decide which ones I really want and actually put them to use. I also need to be mindful of my daughter's needs as she'll be moving into her own place this summer. But even with those considerations, I'm still certain finding 40 items won't be hard!

In years past when the children were little, I would get them in on the fun as well, and then we'd have a small yard sale and use the money to go do something fun as a family. One year I sold the items on FB Marketplace and then donated the money to charity, which I really enjoyed. But since we only have one car at the moment, meeting up with buyers might prove to be a bit challenging. There are a few thrift shops in our area that take donations and then resale them to fund programs for local charities, so that's a consideration, as well. I know at least one of them will even come and pick your things up, which would be a plus.

Anyway, if this sounds like something you'd like to join me in doing, I'd love to cheer you on! I'll be posting what I've collected from time to time over the next forty days, and if you'd, you can just leave a comment either on this post or in subsequent posts in the future. Hopefully by the time I've collected everything I'll have figured out what to do with it all.

I hope you have a lovely start to your week, friends! Let's meet here again, soon!


I'm in on this! I am always purging clutter---except for my too many Bibles, of course.
Just wanted you to know I wrote about this challenge today. I used your 40 Days graphic. And I linked back to your blog and credited you with the graphic
I'm so glad you've decided to join me! I have it on my to-do list to find my first ten items tomorrow! :)